We offer visual design services & training to social movements. We support organisers to tell complex stories in accessible visual formats. Together, we make change feel more possible to a wider public.

Design Services

Who we work with

We provide these services first and foremost to grassroots migrant organisers, community groups and social justice movements. 

Partners we have worked with include: Solidarity Knows No Borders network, These Walls Must Fall, Civic Power Fund, Act Build Change, Coalition of Latin Americans UK, Stop The Arms Fair, Mosaic Rooms and Healing Justice London.

We also provide these services to NGOs, civic bodies, charities and other more structurally supported organisations if our values and processes align. 

Clients we have worked with include: JCWI/Crossborders Forum, Greater London Authority (GLA), Koreo/Civic Futures, Counterpoints Arts, Iniva and Paul Hamlyn Foundation.

Want to work with us?

Email hello@migrantsinculture.com to start an open conversation about your needs and ideas.

You can also look at our current rate card here, which explains our two different day rates, depending on your resources.

We’re happy to share our design strategy with you too.

You can download our drawing toolkit for resilience and reflection here.